Auricular acupuncture is the technique of stimulating specific points in the ear that correspond to different parts of the body with the use of specialized beads or needles. It is effective and convenient especially in treating addiction, pain modulation and chronic conditions.
Herbs and Acupuncture are complementary components of Chinese medicine, comparable to synthetic drugs and surgery of the western medicine. Again, the herbs normalise the flow of the body Qi for healing.
Acupuncture is the technique of inserting hair-thin needles into specific points on the body and with manipulation, optimizing the body energy, qi which flows along the meridian or channels of the body, to balance health.
The application of burning herbs on or above the skin at selected acupuncture points. The herbs radiate its therapeutic properties onto the points to induce warmth and healing.
The application of glass cups to specific areas of the body is to stimulate the flow of Qi that dispels the wind and dampness which are the causes of dis-ease. The skin is ‘suckéd’ up with the negative pressure created by burning away the oxygen in the cup The skin area where the suction cups are may be bruised.
Tui-Na is a form of massage which embraces the meridian concept to normalize the body energy. Modern day Tui-Na practitioners may incorporate manipulative technique to improve the flow of Qi and normalize the locomotive apparatus of the body.
Chronic pain, colics, headaches & migraines, neck and back pain including sciatica, Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, osteoarthritis joint pain, facial pain (including cranio-mandibular and TMJ disorders) , pain due to endoscopic examination;
Cigarettes, alcohol (dependence and detoxification), & drugs (opium, cocaine and heroin dependence)
Stress, anxiety, insomnia, irritability; depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke), competition stress syndrome, ADD/ADHD
Strokes and post-stroke rehabilitation (paralysis), tremor, primary Raynaud syndrome, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Bell’s palsy, carpal tunnel syndrome, dizziness & vertigo including Ménière’s disease, post-herpetic neuralgia (shingles)
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